This Portal is a unique platform where both users and employees can share their experiences, thoughts, and reviews regarding the services of CVS. This feature allows for a multifaceted view of the company's operations, service quality, and overall environment, fostering transparency and mutual growth.

How to Add a Review

The users or colleagues wishing to share their experiences can do so by posting anonymously, and they also have the option to receive follow-up comments via e-mail.

Steps to Add a Review:

  1. Navigate to the Review Section.
  2. Click on the «Add New» button to start creating a review.
  3. If you prefer to post without disclosing your identity, select «Posting as Anonymous».
  4. Write your experiences, thoughts, and feedback about CVS’s services in the provided space.
  5. If you wish to receive notifications about follow-up comments, tick the box next to «Notify me of followup comments via e-mail».
  6. Complete the reCAPTCHA verification to ensure you are not a robot.
  7. Review your inputs and click «Send» to submit your review.
  8. If you decide not to submit your review, click on «Cancel» to discard it.

Note: Please ensure to provide honest and respectful feedback, as your insights could significantly impact the enhancement of service delivery and work environment.